born 1995, Jelenia Góra
Student of Faculty of Graphics and Media Arts at Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw. She creates objects, installations, and video films. In her artistic books she combines drawing with photography. She is interested in communication and narrative in art – those are the fields of her researches in the relationship between word, image and para-scientific works.
“Land Canoe”, 2019
The starting point for work are reflections on madness, which are always carried out from a distant, alien position of reason. Madness is understood here as a disease, behaviour or way of thinking that goes beyond the normality and the so-called common sense. Justyna Lach refers to the problem as seen by Michel Foucault in “A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason”, and symbolically to the history of functioning of the so-called ships of fools in medieval Europe that served to exclude people who did not meet certain social norms. Going beyond the area and language of modern psychiatry, Lach makes philosophical reflection on the sense and meaning of divisions of personality of an individual or society into oppositional areas. “Land Canoe” makes it possible to navigate the mental landscape, where lands are usually identified with the environment of reason and waters with the territory belonging to madness. The artist sets a canoe as a symbol of a senseless dispute about dominance and lack of mutual understanding for oppositional attitudes and views.