born 1990, Poznań
A graduate of Faculty of Painting and Drawing at University of Arts in Poznań (2016). She received an honourable mention for her “2 399 073” work presented at Best Diplomas of the Academy of Fine Arts exhibition. She mainly creates installations. She is interested in ethics, religion, neuroaesthetics as well as in issues related to language and synaesthesia.

“2 399 073”, 2016
The title of the installation refers to the total number of people killed by God in the Old Testament, the holy book of Judaism and Christianity – the followers of these religions make up nearly 2.5 billion of the 7.3 billion human population (data from 2016). It means that around 1/3 of people living on Earth receive spiritual support from a book full of descriptions of violent events. The artist was also inspired by current world events (including the migration crisis) and their impact on changing European and Polish mentality – among others fascinating ethical attitudes in which religious education plays a huge role. The installation asks questions various many important matters: the issue of interpretation of the Bible – as both cultural and holy text, the role of the Church in transmitting the word of God, the issue of manipulating another person using religious texts for political or ideological purposes. It is written in the Bible that God created a man in his own image and likeness. Or maybe, as Ludwig Feuerbach, a 19th-century German philosopher, wrote it is exactly the opposite and it is man who creates God by creating its mirror image?