I Dreamt of the Beasts


Kateryna Iakovlenko, Halyna Hleba


Katya Buchatska, Olia Fedorova, Daryna Gladun i Lesyk Panasiuk, Yevhen Holubentsev, Dmytro “Orest” Kozatskyi and Yuliia Hontaruk, Yana Kononova, Inga Levi; Pol, Tokha and Tsviakh; Anastasiia Pustovarova, Bohdan Shumylovych and Korzhyk the cat, participants of the “Artsvit for Children” project, Anna Zvyagintseva


Galeria Labirynt, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5, Lublin


The exhibition is held on the ground floor. In the bookshop you can borrow a wheelchair and earmuffs for free during your stay in the gallery. The gallery has 6 portable induction loops. Opening and discussion interpreted simultaneously into English – please pick up the device at the bookstore before the event.

Educational programme

Publishing editor

Publishing designer

Bio of artists
