14-9-2024 - 03-11-2024

Galeria Labirynt

About the exhibition

Exhibition opening: 14/09/2024 (Saturday), 6:00 p.m.
Where: Galeria Labirynt, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5, Lublin
Language: opening in Polish; translation into Ukrainian, translator: Volodymyr Dyshlevuk. No translation into Polish sign language or English.
Exhibition on display: 3.11.2024 (Tues-Sun, 12:00-19:00 p.m.)
Admission: PLN 8, PLN 4 concession (free for the opening)

It has been 50 years since Andrzej Mroczek became the head of Galeria Labirynt. These have been exceptional years for art – performance, conceptual art, video, concrete poetry, feminist art, installations. All this and much more could be seen at the Lublin gallery. Artists who now form the canon of contemporary art visited Lublin and presented their works here. The name of the gallery became known in artistic circles all over Europe. And all this thanks to Andrzej Mroczek’s uncompromising attitude, the trust that artists placed in him and his openness to artistic experimentation. At the exhibition, we will see works by some of them.

However, we don’t want to solely celebrate the past – that would contradict the idea of Galeria Labirynt. An equally important goal of this exhibition is to try to answer the question – what next, what should the next 50 years be like? That is why we are again inviting young people from Lublin and beyond. We want Labyrinth to be their place. For them we want to expand the field of our activities. We don’t want to close ourselves within the confines of visual arts, which have long ceased to work anyway.

Labirynt is a place for young people’s activities: music, film, poetry, dance, activism, theater, DJing, drag, cooking, programming, parties, concerts, gardening, beekeeping, ecology, AI, visual arts – and what else? It’s up to them, their imagination and their needs.

The exhibition will feature:

  • first 50: Janusz Bałdyga, Mirosław Bałka, Jan Berdyszak, Andrzej Dłużniewski, Maria Fidor, Koji Kamoji, Marek Konieczny, Zofia Kulik, Zdzisław Kwiatkowski, Przemysław Kwiek, Andrzej Lachowicz, Natalia LL, Teresa Murak, Andrzej Partum, Maria Pinińska-Bereś, Małgorzata Potocka, Józef Robakowski, Zygmunt Rytka, Mikołaj Smoczyński, Jan Świdziński, Zbigniew Warpechowski, Krzysztof Zarębski, Ewa Zarzycka
  • between: Anna Baumgart, Wojciech Bąkowski, Przemek Branas, Oskar Dawicki, Katarzyna Górna, Barbara Gryka, Paweł Korbus, Katarzyna Kozyra, Robert Kuśmirowski, R.E.P., Wiktor Stribog
  • second 50: we are awaiting proposals from young people who want to contribute to the second 50 of Labirynt

Curator: Waldemar Tatarczuk

Accessibility: The exhibition is held on the ground floor. The bookstore offers free rental of noise-canceling earmuffs and a wheelchair. Silent hours at the exhibition apply on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. The gallery has 6 portable induction loops.

Subsidized by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within the framework of the National Cultural Center program: Culture-Interventions. Edition 2024


PLN 8, PLN 4 concession (free for the opening)


Polish, Ukrainian


Waldemar Tatarczuk



Janusz Bałdyga, Mirosław Bałka, Jan Berdyszak, Andrzej Dłużniewski, Maria Fidor, Koji Kamoji, Marek Konieczny, Zofia Kulik, Zdzisław Kwiatkowski, Przemysław Kwiek, Andrzej Lachowicz, Natalia LL, Teresa Murak, Andrzej Partum, Maria Pinińska-Bereś, Małgorzata Potocka, Józef Robakowski, Zygmunt Rytka, Mikołaj Smoczyński, Jan Świdziński, Zbigniew Warpechowski, Krzysztof Zarębski, Ewa Zarzycka

Anna Baumgart, Wojciech Bąkowski, Przemek Branas, Oskar Dawicki, Katarzyna Górna, Barbara Gryka, Paweł Korbus, Katarzyna Kozyra, Robert Kuśmirowski, R.E.P., Wiktor Stribog

Curatorial guided tour - application form for groups