17-5-2024 - 20-6-2024

Galeria Labirynt | Plaza

About the exhibition

Within the realm of human anatomy, myriad facets of identity often remain veiled; disability, ethnic heritage, socioeconomic status, refugee narratives – they elude casual observation. The corporeal vessel, however, harbors a wealth of narratives. Through scars, creases, and folds, we glimpse fragments of these stories. Yet, beneath the surface lies a realm obscured, prompting reflection on the concealed essence of personhood. Frequently, individuals are perceived through the narrow lens of a singular identity facet – transgender, black, plus-sized – neglecting the intricate interplay and mutual influence of these intersecting identities.

Exhibition opening: 17/05/2024 (Friday), at 6:00 p.m.
Where: Azyl Library of Galerii Labirynt, ul. Lipowa 13 (entrance from ul. Ofiar Katynia)
Exhibition on display: until 20/06/2024 (Tue.-Thu. 1:00–6:00 p.m.)
Admission: free

The painted compositions herein pay homage to those diverging from the constricting confines of conventional beauty, elucidating the multidimensionality of their existence through an intersectional lens. This exhibition stands as a testament against the prevailing portrayal of queer bodies in media – a portrayal often limited to able-bodied, Caucasian, slim, or muscular archetypes. It is born of the imperative to illuminate the ubiquitous presence of queer individuals across all spectra, often embodying multiplicities of minority experiences.

In this showcase I wanted to present queer individuals as embodiments of diverse narratives, transcending the narrow confines of LGBTQI+ categorisation to embody multifaceted beings. The original poetry interwoven throughout the exhibition serves as a testament to tmy intimate negotiation with corporeal form and societal constructs – finding solace in the raw and tender embrace of nature, wherein lies the daily revelation of self.

Karo Zorya Jazgarska (she/he/it) – born in 1998, is a queer artistic individual primarily active in painting and drawing. Its oeuvre traverses themes including transgender identity, corporeality, body positivity, and relationships with the corporeal form. A graduate of the State High School of Fine Arts in Nałęczów (Lublin region), with a diploma specialising in utilitarian forms: design, and the Lublin School of Art and Design with a focus on fashion design featuring a no-waste collection. Additionally trained as an occupational therapist, but her aspirations are rooted in the realm of art. Intersectional feminism, reproductive rights, and the rights of persons with disabilities hold particular significance for them. Finding his chosen family within the queer community has endowed him with newfound strength and hope. In its leisure time, it engages in clothing upcycling. Privately, she cherishes mountain streams and lounging in a hammock with a book.

Accessibility: The event takes place on the ground floor, in a space free of architectural barriers. The opening of the exhibition is not interpreted into English.

Karo Zorya Jazgarska, Tak na marginesie, queerowe ciało poza kanonem/ By the Way, Queer Body Beyond the Canon




Polish, Ukrainian


Filip Kijowski



Karo Zorya Jazgarska

Curatorial guided tour - application form for groups