17-9-2024 - 17-9-2024

Galeria Labirynt | Plaza

About event

Join us for another book club discussion, this time in cooperation with the UMCS for Palestine collective! During the meeting we will read and discuss texts from the zine “You have to live to tell my story” published by Fajny zinek. This is a collective publication of Palestinian texts translated into Polish.
During the Israeli occupation and genocide of Palestinian women and men, Palestinian culture is an act of resistance and perseverance. In parallel with pressuring the authorities to boycott Israeli institutions, we want to explore Palestinian culture, learn about it and honor artistic individuals of Palestinian origin. During the meeting you will have the opportunity to meet people involved in the UMCS for Palestine collective, which is part of the nationwide Academy for Palestine movement.

When:17.09.2024 (Tuesday), 17.00-19.00
Where: Biblioteka Azyl (Galeria Labirynt Plaza), ul. Lipowa 13, Lublin (wejście od ul. Ofiar Katynia)
Language: Event will be held in Polish. No translation into Polish Sign Language. No translation into Ukrainian and English.
Accessibility: The event takes place in an architectural barrier-free space.
Admission: free
Conducted by: Anastas Krusińska

Sensitive topics that may arise: colonialism, genocide, death, violence.
Grassroots publishing initiatives are close to our hearts, so we are pleased to have the opportunity to gather and discuss a zine created by people both experienced in translation and amateurs.
During the meeting there will be plenty of collective reading aloud, commenting and sharing reflections. This meeting, despite the difficult main topic, will be conducted in a way that makes people as comfortable as possible – there will be more breaks, sensory toys available on site.

UMCS for Palestine – a student collective of allied individuals acting for Palestine in Lublin. Part of the nationwide student strike Academy for Palestine, which demands an open and firm cut-off of support for Israel by universities in Poland.

Fajny zinek (formerly Drukarnia Bomba) – a grassroots publishing house and community space based in Poznań. It is dedicated to providing access to and support for artistic people. It executes benefits, prints zines and networks people.








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