28-4-2022 - 29-5-2022
Galeria Labirynt
About the exhibition
Galeria Labirynt and the befriended artistic environment invite you to an exhibition combined with the sale of works. All the proceeds will be donated to help people coming to Poland from war-torn Ukraine.
Opening: 28/04/2022 (Thursday), at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Galeria Labirynt, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5, Lublin
Accessibility: Opening interpreted into the Polish Sign Language and Ukrainian. The is held on the ground floor. In the bookshop you can borrow a wheelchair and earmuffs for free during your stay in the gallery. The gallery has 6 portable induction loops. The exhibition is sensory friendly.
Exhibition on display: until 29/05/2022 (Tuesday–Sunday, 12:00–7:00 p.m.)
Entrance: PLN 1 (free admission to the exhibition opening)
Artists: Tomasz Bielak, Oliwia Beszczyńska, Magdalena Ciemierkiewicz, Jakub Ciężki, Ludomir Franczak, Magdalena Franczak, Barbara Gryka, Anastasia Kashtalian, Justyna Kieruzalska, Piotr Korol, Mikołaj Kowalski, Ewelina Kruszewska, Robert Kuśmirowski, Inga Levi, Paulina Mazurek, Anna Nawrot, Irena Nawrot, Florentyna Nastaj, Jerzy Norkowski, Adam Oroń, Małgorzata Pawlak, Justyna Sokołowska, Mariusz Tarkawian, Sławomir Toman, Marta Zgierska
Payments for works will be made to the account of the Homo Faber Association. Since Friday, 29/04/2022, a catalogue of works with photos and descriptions will be available on the website and on social media of Galeria Labirynt.
Support the aid activities and buy a work for Ukraine!
Brief version of the manual concerning the purchase of works (the content of the full terms and conditions are to be downloaded at the bottom of the page):
- Come to the exhibition (Tue–Sun 12:00–7:00 p.m.).
- Choose a work you want to have in your home collection – the minimum price is placed under each work and is available in the catalogue.
- Report your willingness to purchase a work directly to the exhibition supervisor or by e-mail to: diana.kolczewska@labirynt.com.
- You can also make a weekly reservation of a work before purchase. For this purpose, please contact Diana Kołczewska (diana.kolczewska@labirynt.com).
- Make a payment of the agreed amount to the account of the Homo Faber Association (93 1940 1076 3069 8598 0000 0000), indicating in the title of the transfer the name of the artist and the title of the work with the note “Exhibition We Are With You! at Galeria Labirynt.”.
- Please send a payment confirmation to diana.kolczewska@labirynt.com.
- Collect your work from Galeria Labirynt after the exhibition (29/05/2022), along with a certificate of authenticity.
More information is available in the terms and conditions.
concept and production of the exhibition: Krystian Kamiński, Diana Kołczewska, Magdalena Linkowska, Dominika Żurawska
advertising and accessibility: Alicja Gieleta, Emilia Lipa, Wioletta Stępniak
realisation: Witold Głos, Karol Jakóbczyk, Jarosław Mitura, Adam Oroń
cooperation: Workshops of Culture in Lublin
PLN 1 (free admission to the exhibition opening)
English, Polish, Polish sign language, Ukrainian
Tomasz Bielak, Oliwia Beszczyńska, Magdalena Ciemierkiewicz, Jakub Ciężki, Ludomir Franczak, Magdalena Franczak, Barbara Gryka, Anastasia Kashtalian, Justyna Kieruzalska, Piotr Korol, Mikołaj Kowalski, Ewelina Kruszewska, Robert Kuśmirowski, Paulina Mazurek, Anna Nawrot, Irena Nawrot, Florentyna Nastaj, Jerzy Norkowski, Adam Oroń, Małgorzata Pawlak, Justyna Sokołowska, Mariusz Tarkawian, Sławomir Toman, Marta Zgierska