React! Open Network of People of Culture Project

01-3-2022 -

Project details

React! is an open network of people of culture – both those working in public institutions in provincial cities, cultural centres in smaller towns, and those involved in NGOs and informal collectives. Together we want to build a space for the exchange of ideas and experiences on the topic of working in the cultural sector from an intercultural society perspective. In the context of the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine or the increasing ethnic diversity in Poland, we feel the need for a new reflection on the mission, the programme, the ways of organising work and the relations with the recipients and audiences of cultural events.

The mission of the open network of people of culture React! is to work towards an intercultural and friendly society by pooling resources, developing and sharing good practices in culture and expanding the space for meeting and dialogue.

We work in the cultural field for social change, co-creating a solidarity-based society, open to diversity, in which all people have equal rights and opportunities and are treated with respect and consideration.

Our values

  • Openness: building an accessible, welcoming and inclusive meeting space.
  • Diversity: valuing different perspectives and supporting open dialogue and co-operation.
  • Equality: recognising the voices of all and providing access to cultural resources on equal basis.
  • Sensitivity: being attentive to the needs of others, caring for each other and being ready to react.
  • Interculturality: respect of different cultures towards each other and building bridges to learn to live, create, work together and to support each other.

What does the network do?
The open network of people of culture React! collects, reflects on and disseminates practices and solutions for cultural work for an intercultural society.

What can you do in the network?
In the open network of people of culture React! you can learn and share knowledge and experience to enhance your intercultural competence.

What can you and your organisation get out of it?
You gain knowledge and experience, develop cooperation and network. You co-create an open, living catalogue of practices that supports you and your organisation in working towards an intercultural and welcoming society.

Want to find out more?
Contact us –

Meeting schedule


Poznań [Malta Festival, CK Zamek, Pawilon, Teatr Polski]


Gdańsk [Europejskie Centrum Solidarności, Gdański Teatr Szekspirowski]


Kraków [Teatr Łaźnia Nowa, Dom Utopii]


Warsaw [Warszawskie Obserwatorium Kultury]


Warsaw [Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego, Warszawskie Obserwatorium Kultury]


Lublin [Galeria Labirynt]


Gdańsk, Sopot [Instytut Kultury Miejskiej]

Contact form