“Covfefe” is a word that Donald Trump used in his tweet and the whole world began to wonder what it meant and how to pronounce it. Memes and songs were written in honour of “covfefe”. For Filip Kijowski it is a metaphor for confusion and various tensions that accompany our experience of reality.
When: 17/07/2021 at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Galeria Labirynt, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5
Accessibility: The performance takes place on the ground floor. Performance is going to be interpreted into the Polish sign language PJM. Interpreter: Łukasz Grzesiuk.
“Over the past year, I have observed the unpredictability of events happening around me. I had the feeling that I was going stupid day by day, even though I was gaining knowledge all the time. However, that is why I have learned to accept that I do not know what is going to happen tomorrow or even in a minute. It was a period of many changes and instability, filled with moments of concentration that turned back into distraction,” describes the artist.
The performance consists of the contemplation of states, experiences and emotions that are processed and made more physical through movement. In this symbolic space, which is a kind of portal between the inner and outer world, Filip Kijowski looks for their mutual connections thanks to his improvisation. At the same time, he introduces elements of control and planning into chaos.
But when we think we know what and what this kind of ineffable language is, everything gets turned upside down. Reality suddenly bursts into its own absurd pastiche.