09-10-2024 - 09-10-2024

Galeria Labirynt

About event

Is it possible to create a map of art? The exhibition “100 Years in Labirynt” is accompanied by constant thinking about the past, present and future as a kind of circle that never closes and reopens.

When: 9.10.2024 (Wednesday), 18:00
Where: Galeria Labirynt, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5
Language: event in Polish. Translation into Polish Sign Language; interpreter: Ewelina Lachowska. No translation into English and Ukrainian.
Admission: free

Through a repetition of a performance by the Gallery’s friend artist Ewa Zarzycka, we want to look at current art through her eyes. What can be seen on the map and does the map become the territory?

Those curious about the answers to these questions are invited to Labirynt on Wednesday, October 9.

Artist’s comment:
– I first presented my work at Galeria Labirynt in 1980. It was a screening of the film “Manifestations” and a performance – a kind of commentary.
At the opening of my first solo exhibition at Galeria Labirynt in 1991, I performed a performance entitled. “Map of Art.” I made a kind of chart – a map of art, wondering: “Where does art come from?
Now, years later, I want and intend to make a kind of reconstruction of this “old map” of mine. I plan to ask myself anew the questions I asked myself in that situation. At the same time, I plan to recall the comments of artists from the circle of Galeria Labirynt. Perhaps I will confront the state of contemporary art consciousness – from an extremely subjective position.

The event accompanies the “100 Years in Labirynt” exhibition.

Event within the framework of the project „Galeria Labirynt – from a gallery of paintings to a gallery for people”.
Subsidized by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within the framework of the National Cultural Center program: Culture-Interventions. Edition 2024








Ewa Zarzycka

Curatorial guided tour - application form for groups