19-5-2024 - 19-5-2024

Galeria Labirynt

About event

When: 19/05/2024 (Sunday) at 4:00 p.m.
Where: Galeria Labirynt, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5, Lublin
Accessibility: The exhibition is held on the ground floor. In the bookshop, you can borrow a wheelchair and earmuffs for free during your stay in the gallery. The gallery has 6 portable induction loops. No English interpretation.
Admission: free.

WARNING: Performance contains nudity.

“In the second year of the war I understood: the only thing that interests me, that is worth working on, that is worth paying attention to and that I can focus on (and I should now be listened to in its entirety and not interrupted), is the search for eternal life.

we gather around the abyss and try to see
it bounces, escapes our gaze
it is impossible to look directly into the abyss of loss
there are known ways to deal with it
for example, you can develop little dances, gentle movements that allow you to stroke, touch, twist around
it is not enough to do, let’s call it, ‘exercises around the void’ once, this will not fill and destroy the abyss
you will have to repeat the circle and repeat it again
it’s a ritual of shortening, rethinking the distance and opening the body to such proximity, without risking anything.”

Olha Marusyn is a Ukrainian artist from the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Her interdisciplinary practice combines choreography, performance, theatre, video and work with text. The artist’s main medium is her own body, which often has a continuation in the environment. She treats choreography as an exploration of the world through syntax and language. Marusyn’s bodily practice is dedicated to working with impossibility and emptiness.

The project “Secondary Archive. Women Artists in War” is supported by the European Union as part of the House of Europe programme.

Partners: Artsvit Gallery, Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation




Polish, Ukrainian


Alya Segal, Waldemar Tatarczuk



Olha Marusyn

Curatorial guided tour - application form for groups