08-10-2024 - 08-10-2024

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We invite you to the next meeting of the Q-booxs open book club! The starting topic will be the well-known book “The Little Prince”.

Here, then, is a great mystery. For you who also love the little prince, and for me, nothing in the universe can be the same if somewhere, we do not know where, a sheep that we never saw has–yes or no?–eaten a rose . . .
Look up at the sky. Ask yourselves: is it yes or no? Has the sheep eaten the flower? And you will see how everything changes . . .
(Excerpt from the book „The Little Prince” / Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

When: 8.10.2024 (Tuesday), 17.00-19.00
Where: Biblioteka Azyl, ul. Lipowa 13, Lublin (entrance from ul. Ofiar Katynia)
Language: event in Polish. No translation into English and Ukrainian. No translation into Polish Sign Language.
Accessibility: the event takes place on the first floor, in an architectural barrier-free space.
Admission: free
Leading: Luka Vivi Starr Alice

„The Little Prince” is a classic about the journey of a boy who visits different planets, meeting unique characters on his way, each representing a different trait of human nature. Despite its simplicity, the book touches on profound themes such as love, friendship, loneliness, power, pride or responsibility. A key thread is the Little Prince’s encounter with a fox, who teaches him what ‘taming’ is, and what responsibility this entails in taming someone or something particularly important to us.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, born in 1900 in France, was a pilot, writer and poet. During World War II, Saint-Exupéry served as a military pilot, which greatly influenced his perception of the world and his literary works. In his books, he often explored themes of humanism, responsibility and loneliness. “The Little Prince,” which has become a classic of the 20th century, was written when Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was hospitalized in Los Angeles, struggling with health and personal problems, including longing for his homeland, his mother and his wife Consuela. Consuela’s arrival spurred him to finish the book, in which the character of Rose was modeled after his wife.

Luka Vivi Starr Alice (LVSA) (pronouns they/them, she/her) often introduces herself as a “serial doer and lover of many different things” due to her various aspirations, projects and interests. She is 25 years old, a non-binary lesbian, a neuroatypical person, and has almost passed her computer science degree. The goal of the path she takes in all her endeavors is some form of self-realization, although her great hope is that her actions also have the power to support others.
The person coordinating the Q-booxs book club is Anastas Krusińska.








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